Nut Mix, Natural, Organic 120g


26,75 €/kg

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Foodin’s favourite organic nuts all in one! This tasty nut mix was developed with customer wishes in mind, and it is the perfect snack for any given situation!

Full cashew nuts, crunchy hazel nuts, soft almonds and tasty walnuts create a balanced, delicious experience for your snack breaks and picnics. The versatile, organic mix is the perfect thing to take with you on camping trips, long meetings and study sessions at the library. The mix is a wonderful addition to baking and salads as well!

Sprinkle the nut mix into Asian style sauces, colourful salads or homemade muesli and granola. When crushed, the nut mix is the perfect finishing touch for bakes, pies, frostings and ice cream dishes. The nut mix can also be sprinkled on top of porridges and smoothie bowls.

We think it is wonderful that our customers are inspired by Foodin, and boldly suggest new delicacies that are still missing from our selection! We welcome your wishes – we want to make sure we develop the very products that our customers need and want the most!

This organic mix is produced and packaged at Foodin’s own factory, Vaajakoski. Making our own treats is a matter of honor for us, and when we invest in our own production, we are get to influence the recipe, the quality of the raw materials and the production process to ensure quality and ethical production throughout.  This nut mix is made with renewable solar energy.

The ratio of nuts may vary.

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, and milk protein.


Cashewpähkinä*, manteli*, saksanpähkinä*, hasselpähkinä* / Cashew*, mandel*, valnöt*, hasselnöt* *=luomu/ekologisk





Ravintosisältö/Näringsinnehåll per 100g

Energia/Energi/Energy: 2346,9kJ / 561 kcal
Rasva/Fett/Fat: 47,8
-josta tyydyttyneet/varav mättat fett/
saturated fat: 6,1
Hiilihydraatit/Kolhydrater/Carbohydrates: 16,1
-joista sokereita/varav sockerarter/sugars: 4,88
Kuitu: 9,8g
Proteiini/Protein: 16,6
Suola/Salt: 0,04


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Nut Mix, Natural, Organic 120g

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