Borlotti bean, organic 400g


9,38 €/kg

In stock

Borlotti beans – a rich and creamy addition to your favourite recipes

Looking for a change from protein-rich and high-fibre side dishes on your everyday shopping list? Foodin’s organic borlotti beans are firmly established, especially in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, thanks to their distinctive colour and flavour. The beans have a very creamy, rich and nutty characteristic flavour. Borlotti beans can be used in warming soups and stews, delicious dips and spicy tacos. These beans are packed with protein, fibre and valuable nutrients, making them a great choice for vegans and plant-based food lovers. 

What makes Foodin’s organic borlotti beans a particularly delicious and nutrient-dense side dish?

  • A nutrient-dense addition to recipes: protein-rich, low in fat and easy on the stomach, it’s a versatile addition to a variety of diets. 
  • A versatile ingredient for more exotic recipes: borlotti beans can be used in dips, casseroles, stews and salads for added flavour. 
  • A change from pasta and rice: an excellent and tasty alternative to more traditional side dishes. 

How to prepare borlotti beans 

Borlotti beans have a mildly nutty and soft flavour. High in protein and rich in fibre, borlotti beans are suitable as such for salads, stews, pasta dishes and soups. Rinse and soak the beans in plenty of water for at least 10 hours. Rinse and cook under a lid for 1,5-2h. 

Which recipes are best suited to borlotti beans?

  • Adding flavour to soups and stews 
  • To add richness to salads 
  • A change of pace for side dishes such as pasta and rice 
  • For dips that are easy to season with your favourite flavours 
  • Tex Mex dishes like tacos 

Store at room temperature, carefully closed. 

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, and milk protein.

Kiina / Kina


Luomu borlottipapu / Ekologisk borlottiböna


400 g


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Borlotti bean, organic 400g

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