Whey Protein, Natural 2,5kg


27,32 €/kg

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This high-quality ultrafiltered, instantised whey protein concentrate from northern Finland is an excellent addition to your daily diet! Whey protein has an optimal amino acid profile, including all the essential amino acids for humans. Casein and lactose have been broken down from the protein, making it more stomach-friendly.  

Mix the well-soluble whey protein into your smoothie or recovery drink, and use it in cooking to increase the protein content of your pastries and other bakes. Vanilla-flavoured protein powders often make excellent protein pancakes!  

Proteins are essential building blocks for the body. They’re needed in muscle, bone, tendons, skin, hormone and enzyme maintenance. Proteins are especially important when exercising, growing or maintaining muscle mass and physical performance. Sufficient protein intake is also beneficial for the elderly and those who keep tabs on their weight. A varied, healthy diet helps ensure sufficient protein intake, but in some cases, a little extra goes a long way.  

Our selection carries a wide range of high-quality protein products: stomach-friendly Finnish whey protein, various vegan plant proteins and Finland’s first grass-fed whey protein. 

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, milk protein and gluten-free oats.






2,5 kg


Energiaa/Energi: 1700kJ/392 kcal
Rasvaa/Fett: 6 g
– josta tyydyttyneitä/varav mättat fett: 6 g
Hiilihydraatteja/Kolhydrates: 4.5 g
– josta sokereita/varav sockerarter: 0.5 g
– Josta laktoosia/varav laktos: <1 g
Proteiinia/Protein: 80 g
Suola/Salt: 0.1 g

Aminohappokoostumus per 100g:
tryptofaani 1,38 g
kystiini 1,96 g
metioniini 1,52 g
asparagiinihappo 8,71 g
treoniini 5,31 g
seriini 4,10 g
glutamiinihappo 14,01 g
proliini 4,76 g
glysiini 1,47 g
alaniini 3,93 g
valiini 4,81 g
isoleusiini 5,27 g
leusiini 8,11 g
tyrosiini 2,47 g
fenylalaniini 2,64 g
histidiini 1,56 g
ornitiini < 0,1 g
lysiini 7,13 g
arginiini 1,90 g
hydroksiproliini < 0,1 g

Kivennäisaineita per 100 g:
Kalsium/Kalcium: 380 mg, 48%*
Kalium/Kalium: 830 mg, 42%*
Magnesium: 72 mg. 19%*

*päivittäisestä saantisuosituksesta/av dagligt referensintag


Valmistettu tehtaassa jossa käsitellään pähkinöitä (cashew-, para-, pekaani-, pistaasi-, macadamia-, hassel- ja saksanpähkinöitä) mantelia, seesaminsiemeniä ja heraproteiinia (maidosta)./ I samma fabrik hanterar vi nötter (cashew-, para-, pekan-, pistage-, macadamia-, hassel- och valnöt) mandlar, sesamfrön och vassleprotein (från mjölk).


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Whey Protein, Natural 2,5kg

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