Red Lentil, Organic 500 g


6,33 €/kg

In stock


Red lentils are an excellent source of fibre and protein that belong to the legume family. Lentils are versatile and long-keeping so that are an excellent item for keeping stocked in dry storage. In as little as half an hour they can be turned into a delicious meal! 


Red lentils are mild in flavour, and excellent for all kinds of cooking. Try them in soups, stews, and roasts by simmering them together with vegetables, roots, herbs, and spices. Use coconut manna or coconut cream to add creaminess and a warm, rich meal is ready! 

Veggie patties can also be made from red lentils by pureeing cooked lentils with various vegetables and spices. Nutritional yeast flakes can add a cheesy flavour to the patties, while turmeric, cardamom, and cinnamon bring the Asian world of flavours. 

Lentils are also an excellent ingredient for dips and spreads. Add your choice of spices, herbs, and vegetables such as carrot and garlic to cooked lentils you are just a simple pureeing away from a healthy and delicious dipping sauce! 

Cooked lentils are also an excellent way to enrich salads. For a wholesome salad, combine with your choice of tomatoes, sprouts, dried fruits and berries, and fresh herbs. Add the finish touch with olive oil! 


Cooking time: 15–20 minutes. Use 1-part lentils to 2 parts water. Rinse before use, no need to soak. 

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, and milk protein.


Punainen linssi /Röda linser




500 g


Energia/Energi: 1270 kJ/ 304 kcal
Rasva/Fett: 1,3 g
-josta tyydyttyneet/varav mättat fett: 0,2 g
Hiilihydraatit/Kolhydrater: 45,8 g
-joista sokereita/varav sockerarter: 2,4 g
Ravintokuitu/Kostfiber: 4,9g
Proteiini/Protein: 23,8 g
Suola/Salt: 0,09 g


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Red Lentil, Organic 500 g

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