Morning Powder Mix, 100g


42,88 €/kg

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Foodin’s Morning powder mix consists of 10 carefully selected ingredients to take your mornings to new heights. After a good night’s sleep and several hours of fasting, most people begin their day with breakfast. But before eating or drinking coffee and tea, it is best to start the body with proper hydration. The Morning powder mix draws its inspiration from the first glass of water of the day 

“When you wake up, your cortisol levels are naturally at their highest. This inherent booster is not always sufficient to start your day on its own, and a bad night’s sleep is often compensated with stimulants like coffee. The idea of Foodin’s Morning mix was to develop a blend that supports the most important systems in the body and provides energy without stimulants”, says Jaakko Halmetoja, Foodin’s Development Director and developer of the new blends.  

The Morning powder mix contains lemon juice powder, wheatgrass juice powder, L-glutamine, OptiMSM, sodium ascorbate, L-tyrosine, magnesium malate, potassium gluconate, sea salt and Bacillus Coagulans probiotics. Recommended daily dose is 1-2 teaspoons mixed into your first glass of water in the morning.  

Dietary supplement. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. 

Unique, versatile Morning and Evening powder mixes are a great addition to a balanced and versatile diet. Optimise your daily routine and add the mixes to the first and last glass of water of the day. These powders are easy and simple to use! 

The foundation of our products is simple: they must be good for the customer, the farmer and the environment. Doing things ourselves is a matter of principle – when we invest in our own production, we ensure the high quality of the production process and ingredients. In addition, we create jobs in our home town, Jyväskylä. We use only sustainable solar energy in the production of our products in Vaajakoski

Manufactured in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds and milk protein.


Sitruunamehujauhe, vehnänorasmehujauhe, L-glutamiini , OptiMSM, natriumaskorbaatti (C-vitamiini), L-tyrosiini, magnesiummalaatti, kaliumglukonaatti, merisuola, B. Coagulans / Citronsaft pulver, vetegräs juice pulver, L-glutamin, optimsm, natriumaskorbat, l-tyrosin, magnesiummalat, havssalt, kaliumglukonat, bacillus coagulans-probioten






1- 2 tl/ tsk/ tsp:
Magnesium 182-364 mg / 48%*-96%*
C-vitamiini 227-454 mg/ 284%*-568%*
Kalium 91-182 mg/ 4,5%*-182%*
L-glutamiini 352-704 mg
L-tyrosiini 227-454 mg
Natrium 35,67-71,34 mg


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Morning Powder Mix, 100g

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