Finnish Roseroot Tincture, 50ml


142,5 €/kg

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Rose root (Rhodiola rosea) is one of the oldest herbs used in the Nordics, and it is also referred to as “Nordic ginseng”. The nameroserootcomes from the fragrance and the short, tuberous rhizome. Our extra-strong roseroot extract is made from roseroot grown in Lapland and is extracted with water and alcohol. The active ingredient concentration of our tincture is standardised. 

The roseroot is a succulent plant that grows high up in the rugged North. The conditions of Finland’s Lapland are ideal for the growth of this Arctic plant, and it occurs mainly around the mountain wetlands. This slow-growing plant takes about five years to grow from seed to harvest 

Roseroot was first used as a vegetable and as a spice, and the roots and flowers were used as a coloring agent. Roseroot is highly praised and valued in Russia and the Far East, where traditions of using roseroot go way back in history 

Contains 10% rhodiola extract solids, of which at least 2.5% are salidrosides and rosavins. Contains 20% ethanol. 

Recommended daily dose: 1 dropperful 3 times per day with water (1 dropperful = 1 ml = 100 mg roseroot extract solids). 

Dietary supplement. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. 

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, and milk protein.


Vesi, etanoli (20%), ruusujuuri / Vatten, etanol (20%), rosenrot




50 ml


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Finnish Roseroot Tincture, 50ml

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