Psyllium Powder, Organic 150g


42,7 €/kg

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Psyllium powder is a very fine powder made from the seeds of the plantain, or ribwort, which is rich in dietary fibre. Psyllium powder makes a fine source of fibre in a balanced diet, and can be used as a fibre supplement in special diets. 

Psyllium powder absorbs liquids effectively, creating a fluffy, gel-like texture. In baking, the powder improves the texture of bakes, and brings dough-binding properties and fluffiness to batters and doughs. Baking with psyllium leads to heavenly soft bakes that keep their shape! 

Psyllium powder has a finer texture than psyllium fibre. As a result, it absorbs and binds liquids even more effectively. Therefore, it is advisable to use smaller amounts of psyllium powder in baking as you would psyllium fibre 


Mix psyllium powder with the liquids in your dough or batter, and let it set for at least ten minutes before adding other flours into the mix. You do not have to use much – typically a teaspoon per dough or batter is enough. Because of the powder’s liquid-binding properties, you might also need to cut back on the amount of other flours used.  

In addition to baking, psyllium gives fullness and texture to smoothies, yogurts and porridges. Psyllium powder can be used as a fibre supplement when mixed with water. Again, since the powder binds fluids, it is important to use enough liquid and drink plenty of it when taking the supplement.  

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, and milk protein.


Psylliumjauhe/Psyllium pulver




150 g

Ravintosisältö/Näringsinnehåll per 100g

Energia/Energi: 758 kJ / 189 kcal
Rasva/Fett: 0,6 g
-josta tyydyttyneet/varav mättat fett: 0,1 g
Hiilihydraatit/Kolhydrates: 0,1 g
-joista sokereita/varav sockerarter: 0 g
Ravintokuitu/Kostfiber: 89 g
Proteiini/Protein: 1,5 g
Suola/Salt: 0,1 g


Gluteeniton, maidoton, luomu, vegaaninen.


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Psyllium Powder, Organic 150g

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