Caprylic Acid, 100% From Coconut 250ml


26,43 €/kg

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Caprylic acid is a medium-chain fatty acid that absorbs into the body quicker than typical fats, and aids in the absorption of other nutrients. 1-3 tablespoons per day is a great source of added energy for athletes before a physical performance, or those on ketogenic diets. The properties of caprylic acid are similar to that of MCT oil, for the exception that MCT oil includes capric acid. 

The flavourless, odourless caprylic acid works in all kinds of cooking, but temperatures above 160 degrees Celcius should be avoided so the composition of the oil remains unchanged. Mix caprylic acid into hot beverages such as bulletproof coffees or cacao, and drizzle it over salad or mix into other cold dishes. Like MCT oil, caprylic oil is concentrated from coconuts.  

Store away from sunlight. Contains no additives or preservatives.  


2 dl organic coffee 

1 tbsp caprylic acid 

1 tbsp organic butter or ghee 

Mix ingredients together and enjoy your coffee! 

Packed in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, and milk protein.


Filippiinit / Filippinerna


100% Kapryylihappo / 100 % Kaprylsyra

Ravintosisältö/ Näringsinnehåll per 100g

Energiaa / Energi 3766 kJ / 900 kcal
Rasvaa / Fett: 100 g
C8:0 rasvahappoja / C8:0 Fettsyror: 100 g
Hiilihydraatteja / Kolhydrater: 0 g
– josta sokereita / varav sockerarter: 0 g
Proteiinia / Protein: 0 g
Suolaa / Salt: 0 g


250 ml


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Caprylic Acid, 100% From Coconut 250ml

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