Madras Curry, Organic, 90 g


18,18 €/kg

In stock


Madras Curry is a classic Indian spice mix that perfectly pairs with both vegetable and meat dishes. Black pepper, chili, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, clove, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric, fennel and yellow mustard seed create a balanced and spicy combination that makes spicing up soups, stews, sauces and marinades easy. Esteemed Madras Curry is more aromatic than the typical curry, and due to chili, it is a deeper shade of red. The strong, spicy notes are often paired with something calming and mild, such as yogurt.  

Spices are a simple way to renew familiar foods and rejuvenate old recipes. Trying out new spices is easy and fun, and who knows what new flavours and combinations you might discover on the way! Typical recipe recommendations provide inspiration for fine-tuning foods with spices, but in reality, the sky’s the limit when fear is set aside! A simple pasta, easy risotto, salad and other everyday foods are easily transformed into culinary delights with spices. The key is balanceonce you’ve mastered using spices, it is easier to recognise which herb goes with what and how much of the spice should be used 

Manufactured in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds, milk protein and gluten-free oats.


Black pepper, chili, coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, turmeric, sea salt, yellow mustard seed

Country of Origin



90 g


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Madras Curry, Organic, 90 g

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