Rice Protein, Vanilla 650g


35,75 €/kg

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Foodin’s rice protein is made from carefully selected, pre-sprouted organic rice, and is tested to be very pure. Natural biofermentation and fine grind ensure that the end product is up to 90 % protein. 

Mix 0.5 – 1 dl of rice protein to 3 dl of water or any other liquid of your choosing. Rice protein works well in smoothies, recovery drinks and other cooking – it increases the protein content in pastries and other bakes.  The dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.  

The delicious vanilla taste of the rice protein comes from authentic vanilla and sweetener extracted from the stevia plant.  

Proteins are a crucial part of how our bodies work – they help our body recover and develop muscle mass. Proteins make us stronger, and provide us with long lasting energy. Proteins are made up of amino acids that perform necessary functions in the body. Since the body does not produce all amino acids on its own, everyone must take care of sufficient protein intake according to the needs of their own body.  

Manufactured in a factory that handles gluten-free oats, nuts (cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and walnuts), almonds, sesame seeds and milk protein.




Biofermentoitu riisiproteiini, vaniljauute, makeutusaine (stevioliglykosidit E 960a), ksantaani / Bio fermenterad risprotein, vaniljextrakt, sötningsmedel(stevioglykosider E 960a), xantan


650 g

Ravintosisältö/Näringsinnehåll per 100g

Energiaa/Energi: 1729 kJ / 413 kcal
Rasvaa/Fett: 4,5 g
– josta tyydyttyneitä/varav mättat fett: 1,9 g
Hiilihydraatteja/Kolhydrates: 4,6 g
– josta sokereita/varav sockerarter: 0,1 g
Ravintokuitua/Kostfiber: 1,2 g
Proteiinia/Protein: 79,1 g
Suolaa/Salt: 0 g

Aminhappokoostumus per 100g:
Alaniini: 5,7 g
Arginiini: 8,2 g
Asparargiinihappo: 9,1 g
Glutamiinihappo: 18 g
Kysteiini: 1,9 g
Glysiini: 4,3 g
Histidiini: 2,4 g
Isoleusiini: 4,2 g
Leusiini: 8,5 g
Metioniini: 3,9 g
Fenyylialaniini: 5,1 g
Proliini: 4,5 g
Seriini: 5,3 g
Treoniini: 3,7 g
Tryptofaani: 0,9 g
Tyrosiini: 5,5 g
Valiini: 6,1 g


Valmistettu tehtaassa jossa käsitellään pähkinöitä (cashew-, para-, pekaani-, pistaasi-, macadamia-, hassel- ja saksanpähkinöitä) mantelia, seesaminsiemeniä ja heraproteiinia (maidosta)./ I samma fabrik hanterar vi nötter (cashew-, para-, pekan-, pistage-, macadamia-, hassel- och valnöt) mandlar, sesamfrön och vassleprotein (från mjölk).


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Foodin is a Finnish family business that produces and imports organic and natural foods and delicacies. We want to enable and promote a better food culture and offer everyone the opportunity to choose and feel better. The basic principle of our products is simple: they must be good for the wellbeing of the consumer, the farmer and the environment. By choosing our products, you can enjoy high-quality products and be sure of their sustainability and production. With your choice, you support Nordic and Finnish craftsmanship and entrepreneurship as well as provide a better future for farmers and their families.

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Rice Protein, Vanilla 650g

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