Delicious and nutritious chia overnight oats are easy to make with Foodin coconut milk and chia seeds. Add rolled oats and spices such as Foodin Ceylon cinnamon, cardamom and Nordic berry powder made from Finnish berries. Top this lovely snack with Foodin O’Tasty granola!


2 dl Foodin coconut milk

2,5 dl plant-based milk such as gluten-free oat milk 

1,5 dl gluten-free rolled oats 

3 tbsp Foodin chia seeds 

3 tbsp honey or sweetener of choice  

Pinch of salt 

1 tbsp Foodin Nordic Berries, Finnish berry blend powder

1 tsp Foodin Ceylon cinnamon 

¼ tsp Foodin ground cardamom 

Toppings: Foodin O’Tasty Granola Cinnamon Apple Pie and Raspberry Muffin and fresh fruit and berries.


Mix the liquids together with the chia seeds, sweetener and salt. Divide the mixture into two bowls. Mix Pohjolan Marjat –powder into one bowl and Ceylon cinnamon and cardamom into the other bowl. Let set overnight or at least about 2 hours. 

Enjoy the chia oats with Foodin O’Tasty Granola and fresh fruits and berries. 


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