Vegan and gluten-free waffles are easy to make with Foodin chickpea flour and almond flour. This waffle batter will be enough for about 6 round waffles. Enjoy them with vegetables, (vegan) feta, Foodin spiced cashews and tahini.


4 dl Foodin chickpea flour 

1,5 dl Foodin almond flour 

2 tsp baking powder 

1 tsp Foodin psyllium powder 

½ tsp salt 

5 dl water + more if needed  

Foodin coconut oil for cooking the waffles  

With the waffles: 

Vegetables such as bell peppers, lettuce and herbs 

(vegan) feta 

Foodin spiced cashew such as BBQ flavored cashews 

Foodin light tahini 


In a bowl combine the dry ingredients. Whisk in the water and set the batter aside for 15 minutes to thicken. Cook about 1 dl batter per waffle in coconut oil. Let the waffles cook properly so they won’t stick to the waffle maker. 

Enjoy the waffles with vegetables, feta, Foodin spiced cashews and tahini. These waffles are best enjoyed immediately. 


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