Lovely and green side dish for a slow weekend brunch or barbeque. The spring season asparagus is topped with a rich and vegan hollandaise sauce veil and the dish is finished with Foodin’s Paravegano, arugula, Foodin’s olive oil and lemon zest.


Hollandaise sauce:

25g margarine

1 tbsp flour

1 dl almond milk

0.5 dl water

1 tbsp Foodin lemon juice

1 tsp Dijon mustard

0.5 tsp Foodin sea salt

0.5 tsp garlic powder

2 tbsp Foodin Paravegano

Other ingredients:



Foodin Olive Oil

Foodin Paravegano

Lemon Zest


Melt the butter in a pan. When melted, remove from heat, add flour, and whisk until even. Add almond milk, water, lemon, juice, dijon, sea salt, garlic powder, and Paravegano and place on medium heat. Whisk until the sauce thickens for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, boil water and boil the asparagus for a few minutes. Place the asparagus and arugula on a plate and drizzle over some olive oil.

Top with lemon zest and Paravegano and serve with the vegan hollandaise sauce.


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